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Update: 5 Things On The 5th (March 2019) ... And Some Bandori Fun

I found this to be a particularly busy month, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  1. I started getting into the regular habit of wearing makeup. It's not something I've ever given attention to, but I had someone suggest I start doing it and, well, I finally listened. Currently I only do like three or four things, but I'm sure I'll add more and more as I go on. I even went to Ulta today and got a few more things to try.
  2. After letting it sit for a while, I'm finally feeling brave enough to start revamping my Akiba Idol Emily accounts. I'll post here once I know a bit more clearer what I'm doing.
  3. Since it finally got nice again, I started walking and have started playing PoGo again. I've been taking new routes at work during my lunches, and it's been a lot of fun to go exploring.
  4. I've started publishing SYNESIRIS, which is my pop'n music Bemani fanfiction! You can find it here. (I don't care if it's fanfiction. It's still writing.)
  5. I got in the creative stuff I ordered last month, and there's a new digital keyboard set up in my living room. It had a name, but I forgot it, which I'm actually really sad about. I should figure this out sooner rather than later...
In addition, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate something that's become strangely dear to me. The mobile game "Bang Dream: Girls Band Party" is celebrating its first anniversary on the worldwide server. It might seem odd that I'm a fan of such a thing, but I actually really like it. I figured I would come up with three reasons why:
  1. The multi-live function. Bang Dream (Bandori, for short) is a rhythm game much like the games I play at Akiba Arcade, but mobile so it's on my iPad. There is an online function where you can have your own "room" with up to five people total, and you can all play the same song together. This is really helpful on those nights where Mikkun is across the city. He could care less about the characters and the mechanics, but the charts are actually really hard and he has a lot of fun "failing" with me. We get to play together, even on opposite sides of the world.
  2. I know Mikkun doesn't pay attention to this part, but I actually really like the characters you can play as. While my friends know I really like the main character, my actual favorites are the twins. They have a well developed character arc that goes over several events, and it's so interesting to see how they ultimately inspire each other to keep playing without even trying. Also, the art's freaking gorgeous and runs laps around Love Live.
  3. Unlike some of the other mobile games I've played Bushiroad actually does a really good job of staying on top of maintenance and listening to their players. Even tonight I was having trouble connecting, and they had already posted a message in English telling us what was up. Plus, at least for me there is little to no lag :D It's a fun experience for me, and I'm glad I started playing.


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