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Update - Welcome to LiederWynd

So welcome to my new blog, I guess.

I've wanted a spot to put thoughts and comments and things for a while, without using my actual website. I had a blog before, but I wanted a clean break, if that makes sense. And I've liked Blogger okay over the years, and it's easy to start one here, so I figured, why not?

Here are some thoughts:

  • My name is Emily Ann Imes; I'm talented; I am a Christian and I am a lesbian and the two are mutually inclusive; I go looking for God at Cedar Point every year. 
  • She/her pronouns MOST of the time unless I am clearly presenting male! I identify as genderfluid panpolyromantic homosexual. This puts me at a 5 on the Kinsey scale. I also identify as gay/lesbian because that is a label I have had to FIGHT SO HARD FOR in my life. "You're dating a guy, you can't be gay." Lies. I'm old, get off my lawn. Let me have this one thing.
  • I'm old enough that I remember 9/11. Plan accordingly.
  • I spent 5 years in NYC and I don't regret a single one of them.
  • I will rant about: Jesus, roller coasters, anime, rhythm games, being gay and Christian, music, writing, my Place Of Employment (the POE), friends, family, etc. I will occasionally talk about sex ed because I think it's really important!!! But I will always mark those posts. I will always talk about friends and family without using names! I may make up names in their space. The only exceptions to this are my direct family members, because my Dad can't get away with not being my Dad, and Mikkun. Mikkun is my partner. If I read this a year from now and he's still my partner, you all get cookies.
  • I will probably disable comments on a lot of this, unless I open things up to what people want to say. This is to prevent bots and nasty people. If you really want to reply to me, you know where to find me.  
That's it for now, I guess. I'll promo things, I'm sure, and there will be some insight to my creative process, but I'm not here for you to buy my stuff. I'm just here to share my life with you all. I guess I don't expect a reply.

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