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Showing posts from February, 2019

Update: 5 Things On The 5th (January 2019)

First month of 2019! And...well, of course when I look at it in retrospect, I'm like "what exactly did I do?" I feel like January just passed me by, but there were things that happened. A lot of it was getting lost in the day to day, and to be honest, I don't want that to be the case. Maybe I should work harder at finding things I'm proud of, and doing those throughout the month. That said: I did go to Ohayocon! I just went on Saturday, and I had a friend go with me so I wasn't scared. But it worked out really well. I was exhausted after and I didn't really sleep LOL but I ran into an artist I hadn't seen in years and got to cosplay and play games. I think I'll be properly ready for Matsuricon -- and anything else -- as long as I can figure out how to sleep on Friday nights! I watched Rent "Live." Yeah, it wasn't really live, who's counting. But I still knew all the words, just like I used to. Guess some things never change.  ...