I know what you're thinking. It's super hard to put together a list like this right now. #OkayEmily what are you even supposed to do in the middle of a pandemic? Well, for starters: I started journaling full-time again. I had stopped for a good bit, only journaling quickly once a week or so, because of how stressed out I was. (There are some of you who know that I have been journaling basically nonstop since 2007. I'm on journal #19.) Ever since I started the new journal, I've made it a point to never miss a day. I also started working from home. This is important because while I am able-bodied and relatively fine, there are people in my house who will die from this virus if we get it. We have to minimize what goes out and what comes in. Mikkun still has to, but he is much better protected now than he once was. They also swapped his hours so I can pick him up from work every day now :) Work from home is fine. It has its own stresses but is quieter than the office, wh...
the official blog of Emily Ann Imes