I arrived at Ohayocon 2018 as Akiba Idol Emily. I was there to kick ass and take names, and I was ready. I was in full idol costume wherever I went, and I had business cards to give out to con goers. I did everything from both raves to all sorts of different panels, stopping short of a guerrilla live solely because I wasn't sure how an industry-based con would deal. I had just come out with my second single as AIE, and I was enjoying life and where my Japanese idol career would take me. And she was by my side the entire time, and together, we were invincible. I felt like I could do anything with my best friend, my biggest fan, by my side. Someday, she would be an idol with me, and together we would conquer the world. And then it all came crashing down around me. The person who said that she loved me so much never actually loved me at all, hidden behind faulty mental fabric and uncorrected chemistry and the blatant refusal to seek help. So I did what I do best: I destroyed my...
the official blog of Emily Ann Imes